October 19 is World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day

What are we celebrating today?

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, more than 126 million Americans are impacted by musculoskeletal conditions. Bone infection is normally caused by inflammation in the bone from bacteria. The bacteria that cause infection in children is Staphylococcus, which is carried through the blood. This is also brought on by obesity developed during childhood. The Global Burden of Disease listed musculoskeletal conditions as the second-highest contributor to global disability, behind lower back pain.

A baby lying with a hand touching his spine.

With this, World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day focus on raising awareness about obesity, symptoms of musculoskeletal condition, screening, prevention and treatment, and its impact on the economy. This celebration formally started last 2012 and it focused on vitamin D deficiencies.

Why should we care?

Children need proper care and nutrition so they can function well in their daily tasks and activities. However, there are children around the world who experience bone and joint problems. One of the biggest contributors to these conditions is childhood obesity. Understanding the long-term consequences and learning techniques to lose weight contributes to preventing problems in the first place. Aside from bone and joint problems, childhood obesity can also lead to other diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Understanding one of the repercussions of obesity like bone and joint problems can help clarify the larger problem.

Whether you are a parent, soon-to-be parent, single parent, or even single with brothers and sisters, you need to be aware of what causes bone and joint infections and how can we prevent and treat them.

What can we do to contribute and raise awareness?

Reach out to those who are experiencing musculoskeletal conditions.

Do you know a family with kids suffering from any kind of bone and joint infection? You can reach out to them today. Listening to their stories can be of help to let them feel they are not alone.  We all need someone who is willing to listen. 

You may not necessarily give them medical advice but you can refer them to reliable resources or experts. You can also refer them to a good insurance provider that can help them with bone infection-related coverage plan like ACA. That’s where Simple Choice comes in!

A woman holding a child.

Spread the word and get social.

You can look for reliable resources online and share them on social media platforms to raise awareness. There are various kinds of online resources for families dealing with pediatric bone and joint problems. Help get those resources to the people that need them.

Together let us join the cause of protecting our kids’ bones and joints by raising awareness this World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day.